- Counselor
Student Counseling
Meet our counselors, learn how to make a free appointment, and find additional mental health resources.
We’re here to help you.
No problem is too big or too small to bring to a counseling session. When you need to talk to someone, our counselors are available.
The UJ Counseling Center is constructed to provide support and listen with short-term, solution-focused counseling. Services are free for our students and are always confidential. We can also help you connect with local counseling providers.
Counseling Center Office Hours
Regular appointments may be scheduled for Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays, with other appointments available as needed. Tele-health appointments are also available for students upon request.
Make an appointment
Scheduling a session with a counselor is easy. All you need to do is email counseling@uj.edu (anytime), and let them know you are interested in making an appointment. Or, you can call 701-659-0834 during business hours.
Psychiatric and Human Services
South Central Human Service Center is one of eight regional human service centers within the North Dakota Department of Human Services. Staff includes professionals trained in the following specialties: psychiatry, psychology, addiction counseling, social work, counseling, case management, nursing, and vocational rehabilitation.
Central Valley Health Services
The mission of the Central Valley Health District is the promotion of optimal community health. Programs include: Nursing, Family Planning, WIC, Women’s Way, Tobacco Prevention, HIV/STD testing, Immunizations, Car Seat and Safety, OPOP (Optimal Pregnancy Outcome Program), and The Sexual Assault Response Team.
Other Area Mental Health Providers
When available, you may contact these other providers for more information: Jamestown Counseling Center, Jennifer Lipetzky: 701-952-7400; Prairie Counseling, Kerry Wicks: 701-252-8939
Need additional support?
Sara Robinson
- Director of Student Engagement
Office of Student Affairs
The Office of Student Affairs is open M-F, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., on the main floor of Lyngstad.