Computer Labs
Learn about major-specific computer labs and where to find them.
Cutting-edge technology
Having the right technology to succeed in your major is crucial. Each computer lab has major-specific software, as well as a printer.
On-Campus Computer Labs
Orlady Hall has a small computer lab of six computers and a printer.
The Foss Computer Lab has 24 computers.
Twenty-one computers are available in various locations throughout the library.
The Lyngstad Computer Lab (Room 209) has 20 computers and printer.
The Sorkness Computer Lab is only available to students majoring in Engineering and has their major specific software installed. The lab is outfitted with 25 computers and a printer.
Classroom 233 and the Majors Lab (Room 213 located near the CS Suite) have Adobe Products. Only students in an Adobe class have access to the software.
Classroom 233 has 22 Computers, and the Majors Lab has 9 computers.
Classroom 234 has 30 computers and Classroom 235 has 29 computers. Software installed in these computers varies and is specific to what professors are teaching that academic year.
The Music Lab has 6 computers. Each has as software that is specific for music. Non-majors and majors alike are welcome to use these computers.
Residence Hall Computers and Printers
Each Hall section has 2 computers with a printer. Below the lounge, in the basement, two additional computers are available (no printer).
The computer lab, which has 3 computers and a printer, is in the 2nd floor East lounge.
The computer lab, which is on first floor in the middle of the building on the north side, has four computers. A printer is located near the pop machine door.
Two computers and printer are in the first-floor lounge.
Four computers are in both the West Lounge and East Lounge on the second floor. Printers can be found in the first floor of the East Lounge, second floor of the West Study Room, third floor of the East Study Lounge, and the West Lounge.
The Computer Lab is located on the first floor and has 12 computers and a printer. The second- and third-floor lounges also each have a printer.
Need additional support?

Krista Gellner
- Help Desk Manager
Technology Helpdesk (IT)
The Technology Helpdesk, located in Sorkness 105.