Alumni Career Center Job Postings
Job Postings
Employers interested in listing job, internship, or volunteer openings can send the position description to Once approved, the listing will be added to the internal bulletin boards.
Please include the following information in your position description:
- Company website
- Who to contact for more information or how to apply
- Job expiration date (Please note you have the option of posting jobs for 3, 7, 15, 30 or 60 days. If the date runs longer, you’ll have to re-submit the listing.)
*We reserve the right to not post listings that are submitted.
*Jobs posted with the University of Jamestown come from local, regional, and national level. With such a diverse listing of job postings, the University of Jamestown cannot confirm the authenticity of all job postings. These postings should not be considered as endorsements by the University of Jamestown of any position, organization, or individual. The University of Jamestown neither endorses nor discredits the reputation of employers who post opportunities through University of Jamestown. The responsibility for research about companies and job opportunities listed is incumbent on the job applicant/student.
Need more information?

Alexis Lueck
- Assistant Registrar