Finding Community

Dec 14, 2018
By Jenna Doyle

Sir Jimmie Blog

  • Cru
  • Basketball
  • Friendships
  • Community
  • Groups & Organizations

Jenna Doyle and friend

The summer before I came to college at UJ, I thought I kind of knew what to expect from the whole college experience. I had made up in my mind that I would come to campus, meet new people, get my degree, play basketball, and probably have fun while doing it all.

It would be a fun four years, and then I’d go on to the next steps in my life. Don’t get me wrong, I was very excited for college, but fast forward four years, I realize that what I pictured back then was not even close to the sweet reality UJ has been, and continues to be, for me.

Trying to pinpoint what makes this place so special is hard to do. I’ve decided, for me, it has all come down to the relationships I’ve built and the community that comes with them.

If you don’t already know, UJ has some pretty cool people. Not only that, but these people have drastically changed my life by encouraging me, supporting me, and making incredible memories with me.

Jenna Doyle and friends

Jenna Doyle and teammatesAs UJ is one huge community, there are several smaller communities I have been a part of, including within my biology degree, my basketball team, and with Cru. I kind of see each community as a different puzzle piece that when put together, makes a beautiful picture of my life here. Each has been equally important and taught me so many different things.

If I could give one piece of advice, it would be to try to find a community with individuals who love you and care about you. Talk to the cool people that are on campus! The people you surround yourself with can profoundly affect you, and I have experienced this in the best way. The genuine and real relationships that the Lord has created for me here have been the core of each experience. Jesus gave me the gift of rich community that I didn’t even imagine was possible to be this good.

Soak in the community and enjoy the blessing!

Jenna Doyle and teammates

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