University of Jamestown and Chandigarh University Announce Partnership

JAMESTOWN, N.D.: On Tuesday, August 22, the University of Jamestown announced it entered a partnership with Chandigarh University in India to increase UJ’s international presence and globalize their educational offerings.
Central to the various initiatives are 2+2 programs. These programs allow CU students to seamlessly transfer to UJ upon completion of their second year. The combined four years of study will result in students graduating from both institutions, having earned dual degrees.
“Higher education is rapidly becoming international in scope, and our partnership with Chandigarh University is a strong step for UJ to take in raising our profile on a global scale,” said UJ President Dr. Polly Peterson. “This agreement is the first in what we anticipate being a series of agreements with CU that will globalize education for our students, faculty, staff, and alumni.”
Current UJ students will also have the opportunity to earn dual degrees, participate in semester- and year-long study aboard experiences, and attend shorter term courses of study at CU. These courses will be led by faculty members from both universities.
UJ Provost Dr. Paul Olson traveled to Chandigarh last week to sign the agreement and meet with CU officials to discuss future collaboration opportunities.
“The potential in this partnership is almost unlimited. CU is rapidly becoming a powerhouse in global education and working with them offers us a lot of opportunities,” said Dr. Olson. “I would love to see us have a robust exchange of students, faculty, and staff in the years to come as we collaborate on teaching, research, and student life. Chandigarh is a special place and a dynamic university. Partnering with them will help make UJ even stronger.”

About Chandigarh University
Chandigarh University is the top ranked private university in India. Founded in 2012 by an act of the Punjab legislature, the university has quickly grown in enrollment and reputation throughout Asia and around the world. The university offers bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees in a number of areas including engineering, business, computer science, and the liberal arts. For more information about CU, visit
About University of Jamestown
Established as Jamestown College in 1883 by members of the Presbyterian Church, The University of Jamestown is a private, liberal arts university granting Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Science in Nursing degrees as well as master’s degrees in Education, Leadership, and Clinical Counseling. Doctoral degrees are available in Physical Therapy and Clinical Research. UJ Accelerated, the newest division of the University, is based in Phoenix, Arizona, and delivers intensive upskilling opportunities to learners in a variety of settings. For more information, please visit