The School For Me

Feb 15, 2019
By Paul Gibson

Sir Jimmie Blog

  • Football
  • Friendships
  • Academics
  • Athletics
  • Community

Paul Gibson and 2 teammates

As an Ohioan, I had little idea of what life would be like here in Jamestown, North Dakota, particularly since unlike most here I had no family or friends nearby. Despite all of my hesitations, I decided to start college here four years ago, and I have never looked back since.

I have had a great experience here at University of Jamestown, and I could not have imagined I would have enjoyed it as much as I did. My experience here can be broken down into the following three categories: academic, athletic, and social.

Academic Experiences

Academically, I could not have asked for a better education than I have received here. When I initially arrived on campus, I wanted to be a History major, but realizing that this would require extra schooling if I wanted to make any serious money in the field, I decided to pursue a double major in Computer Science and History, instead.

I had little experience with computers, so if it were not for the great and patient professors in the Computer Science Department, I would have probably abandoned that field of study. However, with their help, I have almost attained the computer science degree and have a job lined up in the computer science field upon graduation.

I have greatly enjoyed my studies in history, as well, for it is a subject I love. The History Department’s professors have been a joy to learn from. I have had a great adviser, and if it was not for him encouraging me to pursue computer science if I wanted to, then I probably never would have entered the program.

Athletic Experiences

Athletically, it was football that initially brought me to this school, and I have participated in it all four years I have been here. I enjoyed my time with the program, but it did not go quite as I thought it would. I played for my freshman and sophomore years, and then during sophomore year spring ball, I hurt my knee and was never to play again.

I decided to pursue the student-coach route, which I have done for the past two years, so I could still be involved with the team. Even after the season, I have continued on staff to help out the best I can in the final months that I am here. I have enjoyed working with the coaches and I look forward to seeing what they will do with the program next.

Social Experiences

Socially, I have met a lot of people through football and just across campus. I have made great relationships with many people, and I look forward to keeping in contact with them after graduation. I have even made a few special friendships that I never thought I would have made. I am especially grateful for these relationships, and I am happy to consider them not just friends in college but friends for life.

Thus, we see that, I have had a great experience here, and while I may have doubted this four years ago, I now see that University of Jamestown was certainly the school for me.

Paul Gibson and 4 teammates

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