Proud to be a Jimmie

Apr 2, 2021
By Ruben Zepeda

Sir Jimmie Blog

  • Friendships
  • Soccer
  • Journey
  • Reflection
  • Athletics
  • Community

Ruben Zepeda

As the school year comes to an end, I have started to reflect on my experience at UJ and what initially brought me here. I come from a city called Puebla, which is located in the central region of Mexico. Coming to UJ was an opportunity that I could not let go. After all, majoring in mechanical engineering and playing competitive soccer while mastering a new language is not an opportunity that comes every day.

Through my experience at UJ, I have learned that chasing your dreams is not easy. However, the rewards are far greater than what I ever imagined.

Even with all the advantages attending college in the has United States offered, making the final decision was not easy for me. Thinking about being away from friends and family for such a long period of time was scary at first. However, there was something special about UJ that seemed to take away some of the fear I had at the time. That special factor about UJ was the constant support and communication with the persons involved in my recruiting process. Everyone that I talked to was really nice and supportive. At the end, the constant support and small sized university idea were critical for me to choose UJ.

Reuben Zepeda posing with a teammate after a game.

When I first arrived to UJ…

I realized this University was going to be my home for four years. It was shocking to think about it at first. It seemed like such a big step in my life. Upon my arrival, I did not know anyone personally. However, it did not take long before a couple of soccer teammates came around and welcomed me to my new home. The support and kindness of the Jimmie family has been constant through my time at UJ.

Playing soccer for four years at UJ has been an amazing experience.

I have been able to meet people from all over the world and develop long lasting friendships. My favorite memories with the soccer team include games, bus trips and sharing meals at the cafeteria. Representing the University of Jamestown on the soccer field has been one of the highlights of my life.

My academics

Academically, UJ provides its students with tools that go beyond a professional career. At UJ, the faculty go beyond their duty to ensure student success. As a student, it has been exciting to participate in the first years of the engineering department. I am beyond grateful for having the opportunity to receive advice and learn from the engineering faculty.

Overall, throughout my college career at the University of Jamestown, I found knowledge, friendships and love. I will always be proud to be a Jimmie.

Ruben Zepeda posing with the UJ soccer team after a game.

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