It’s a Family Thing…A Unique Family Thing

Nov 20, 2015
By Marysa Rogozynski

Sir Jimmie Blog

  • Family
  • Community
  • Groups & Organizations

Marysa Rogozynski posing with friends in the Rieland

The definition of family, as defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary is “a group of people who are related to each other; a person’s children; a group of related people including people who lived in the past.” What I am understanding from this definition is, that a family has to be related to each other in some way. Is it fair to say then that SAC completely and utterly fits the definition of a family? We all attend the University of Jamestown and contribute our parts in our own unique way. Our main goal is to provide activities and events for the campus throughout the semester.

Do we have a family dynamic? If you mean are we dysfunctional, sassy, entertaining, and slightly insane, then we have got that covered. The SAC family puts the fun in dysfunctional. We all have our quirks, which means at times we have an interesting dynamic; however, this team’s dedication and determination to provide the campus with events is phenomenal. To say the least, I am extremely proud to be a part to this fighting force.

Marysa Rogozynski in a group outside Lyngstead CenterWhen I was a freshman, walking around the organization fair on campus, I knew that I should join an organization to get out of my room and meet new people. What I didn’t know is that I would be joining a family in disguise. The reason I have continued to be on SAC and contribute to this goal is because simply they are my family away from home. Alannah, Kelly, Allison, Katie, Kayla, and Amanda were welcoming and showed what SAC fun really was about.

Although things didn’t always work out as planned, that didn’t mean that we had given up on providing for the campus. We just had to try something new. If it was not for these fine ladies and their energy, spirit, and determination, I am not entirely sure where SAC and I would fit in. Needless to say, they started a family trend and it keeps on going. Each year we have new members that join our team, and the results are always different. Each individual member brings something else to the table and as a group we continue to grow.

Marysa Rogozynski and friendsYou may not realize it, but if you are bored and looking for something to do, nine times out of ten SAC has something for you. Check out our posters, signs, and our social media too. University of Jamestown campus, we are here for you! We have events going on each and every week.

Why join SAC? We are a family. Although slightly insane, dysfunctional, sassy, interesting, and entertaining- we are a family. We are determined, dedicated, and fun. We enjoy having new members on our team to build a better campus environment.

Whether you join the team, or participate in our events, you are a contributing part of that family. If you are wanting to join the SAC family, don’t hesitate to ask. Our family is constantly growing, and that is what keeps things interesting! There is never a dull moment in the SAC family.

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