Growing as a Jimmie

Dec 13, 2019
By Ellie M. Michaletz

Sir Jimmie Blog

  • Volleyball
  • Friendships
  • Faith
  • Growing
  • Athletics
  • Community

Ellie Michaletz with a friend and a calf in a barn.

As I look back on my time at University of Jamestown, I can’t believe the amount I’ve learned and grown in all aspects of my life. When I committed to UJ as a senior in high school, I didn’t realize how much Christ would transform my life.

I came in with many different expectations, priorities, and a past I was excited to get away from…little did I know where God would take me 2.5 years later. I came in as a double major in biology and psychology for pre-med, but after a year, I felt called to switch my major in hopes of becoming a Christian Psychologist.

In a little over a week, I will be graduating from UJ with a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology, and then heading to the Twin Cities to start graduate school to get my degree in marriage and family counseling. I am so excited for the next season of my life, but I’m sad to leave the place that has been so exciting, memorable, and transformative. UJ will always hold a special place in my heart, and even though I’ll be graduating, I know I will always be a part of this Jimmie family.

Ellie Michaletz posing with two volleyball friends in uniform.

A huge part of my life and story at Jamestown is how God has taken hold of my heart.

Whether it was through Cru, the ministry teams on campus, being a huddle leader at FCA camps, or the many relationships I’ve had with my brothers and sisters of Christ, God has pushed, challenged, and prepared me for much more than I could have ever imagined.

I grew up in a Christian home, but I never knew what it truly meant to live and surrender my life for Christ until I came to UJ. My friends, family, coaches, volleyball team, and Candace have had such an impact on my faith, and I want to thank each and every one of them for pushing me out of my comfort zone and helping make me who I am today.


One of the biggest memories I’ll have is being on the Jimmie volleyball team.

Coming into a college team, it sometimes feels like you’re moving from a small pond as a big fish to a small fish in a big pond, but that couldn’t be more wrong. The Jimmie volleyball program isn’t just a team, but a family. Whatever your role may be, you are a part of something far greater than yourself.

I have learned so much from my teammates and coaches, and I wouldn’t have asked for a better family. Not only does this intimacy create lifelong bonds, but it also brings a success that isn’t explainable to the outside eye. To society, success comes from winning, but winning is a result of the relationships on our team. Being third in the nation is a testament to the strong bond of our Jimmie volleyball family. My last week of nationals was a time I will remember forever, not because of the wins, but because of the incredible experiences I got to share with my Jimmie sisters.

2019 UJ Women's Volleyball team photo.

The last thing that UJ has given me in the past 2.5 years is incredible relationships.

I have made connections and relationships with a vast variety of people, whether it was with my volleyball team, professors, A-Hall in Kroeze, my residents in Watson, classmates, ministry team members, or brothers and sisters of Christ. Looking back on my time at UJ, I will remember all the people who had late night-study sessions, nerf gun wars in Watson, sleepovers at the ministry house, and the people who would go to TCBY for waffle cones with me.

I’ve made relationships that have withstood many different trials and will persevere through many more to come; those are the relationships you can make at University of Jamestown, and I’m so grateful for all that UJ has given me. I only hope I could give back a glimpse of what I have received during my time here.

Ellie Michaletz posing with two friends in an outdoor winter setting.

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