Coach. Student. Family.

Feb 9, 2018
By Sadrac Cherfils

Sir Jimmie Blog

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  • Track & Field
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  • Campus

Sadrac Cherfils coaching track

When I first arrived to Jamestown, my initial thought was, “Wow, there isn’t any heavy traffic here”; I say that because I am from Miami, Florida, which is a city that has heavy traffic every day.


I am a coach.

My experience here at the University of Jamestown has been phenomenal. Working with our student athletes on the track and field program alongside of Ed Crawford, Megan Kuehl, Jim Clark, and Kathryn Lemm has been an honor.

The student athletes that I work with are very smart, determined, hardworking, and appreciative of the time and effort our coaching staff put into serving them. Our student athletes definitely cater to the passion that I have for coaching.


Sadrac Cherfils performing

I am a student.

I am also in the Masters of Arts in Leadership (MAL) program. All of my professors have been a blessing to my education. The professors in the MAL program make sure that they meet all of my learning needs and goals.

Our classroom size is smaller; therefore, my professors are able to provide me with individual attention. My goal is to start a track and field program in Haiti, and the professors in the MAL program are doing their best to help me gain the knowledge and resources to accomplish my goal.


I am a part of a campus family.

I really appreciate the culture here at the University of Jamestown. I am appreciative of how I had the opportunity to be part of two musical productions: “9 to 5” and “On the Town”. Although I am a coach, I also have a passion for performing arts. Working with UJ faculty and the performing arts students has been an incredible experience. Those individuals help me become a better dancer, singer and actor.

The University of Jamestown is an institution that feels like a family. I appreciate the support system that it provides for each individual who serves within our campus.

Sadrac Cherfils and the cast of On the Town

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